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Journal Publications

1. BA D'Alonzo, AC Bretzin, ALC Schneider, RB Morse, SP Canelon, DJ Wiebe,  MR Boland. Comparison of different definitions of traumatic brain injury: implications for cohort characteristics and survival in women, Philadelphia, USA. Injury Prevention. 2024; In Press.

2. T Te, B Keenan, O Veatch, MR Boland, R Hubbard, A Pack. Identifying Clusters of Patient Comorbidities associated with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Using Electronic Health Records. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. 2024; In Press.

3. D Zhang, J Tong, R Stein, Y Lu, N Jing, Y Yan, MR Boland, C Luo, RN Baldassano, RJ Carroll CB Forrest, Y Chen. One-shot distributed algorithms for addressing heterogeneity in competing risks data across clinical sites. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 2024; 150:104595.

4. R Bai, MR Boland*, Y Chen*. Scalable high-dimensional Bayesian Varying Coefficient Models with Unknown Within-Subject Covariance. Journal of Machine Learning Research. 2023; In Press.*Joint Senior Author

5. KE Mari, N Yang, MR Boland, JR Meeker, R Ledyard, EA Howell, HH Burris. Assessing Racial Residential Segregation as a Risk Factor for Severe Maternal Morbidity. Annuals of Epidemiology. 2023; In Press.

6. S Alur-Gupta, MR Boland, A Dokras. Risk of SARS-CoV-2 Infection Among Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Fertility & Sterility 2023; In Press.

7. A Kashyap, C Callison-Burch, MR Boland. A Deep Learning Method to Detect Opioid Prescription and Opioid Use Disorder from Electronic Health Records. International Journal of Medical Informatics. 2023; In press.

8. L Davidson, S Canelon, MR Boland. A Medication-Wide Association Study (MWAS) on Repurposed Drugs for COVID-19 with Pre-pandemic Prescription Medication Exposure and Pregnancy Outcomes. Scientific Reports 2022; In Press.

9. L Davidson, S Canelon, MR Boland. Prescription Medication Exposures and Multi-Fetal Pregnancies: Medication-Wide Association Study (MWAS) Using Electronic Health Record Data. Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) 2022; In Press.

10. A Bushong, T McKeon, MR Boland, J Field. Publicly available data reveals association between asthma hospitalizations and unconventional natural gas development in Pennsylvania. PloS One. 2022; In press.

11. RB Morse, AC Breitzin, SP Canelón, BA D'Alonzo, ALC Schneider, MR Boland. Design and Evaluation of a Postpartum Depression Ontology. Applied Clinical Informatics. 2022; In press.

12. DR Mazzotti, BT Keenan, EH Thorarinsdottir, T Gislason, AI Pack, R Schwab, G Maislin, N Jafari, MR Boland, F Pack, J Kim, UJ Magalang, J Mindel, MM Lyons, S Holfinger, S Rojas, D Laurent, A Gonzalez Zacarias, B Benediktsdottir, T Penzel, B Sanner, I Fietze, M Franczyk, N Laharnar, H Qin, F Han, A Liyue Xu, JJ Guo, QY Li, Y Lin, N-H Chen, L-P Chuang, Y-S Lin, S-W Lin, H-Y Huang, PA Cistulli, P deChazal, K Sutherland, B Singh, N McArdle, P Eastwood, D Mazzotti, O Veatch, D Lim. Is the Epworth Sleepiness Scale Sufficient to Identify the Excessively Sleepy Subtype of OSA? 2022; 161 (2): 557-561.

13. MR Boland, N Elhadad, W Pratt. Informatics for Sex- and Gender-Related Health: Understanding the Problems, Developing New Methods and Designing New Solutions. Journal of American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA). 2021; In press.

14. JR Meeker, HH Burris, R Bai, LD Levine, MR Boland. Neighborhood deprivation increases the risk of post-induction cesarean delivery. Journal of American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA). 2021; In press.

15. S Canelon, S Butts, MR Boland.Evaluation of Stillbirth Among Pregnant People with Sickle Cell Trait. JAMA Network Open. 2021; In press.

16. MR Boland, L Davidson, S Canelon, J Meeker, T Penning, JH Holmes, J Moore. Harnessing Electronic Health Records to Study Emerging Environmental Disasters: A Proof of Concept with Perfluoralkyl Substances (PFAS). Nature Digital Medicine. 2021; In press.

17. JH Holmes, J Beinlich, MR Boland, K Bowles, Y Chen, T Cook, G Demiris, M Draugelis, L Fluharty, P Gabriel, R Grundmeier, C Hanson, D Herman, B Himes, R Hubbard, C Kahn Jr., D Kim, R Koppel, Q Long, N Mirkovic, J Morris, D Mowery, M Ritchie, R Urbanowicz, JH Moore. Why is the Electronic Health Record so Challenging for Research and Clinical Care? Methods of Information in Medicine. 2021; In press.

18. JR Meeker, HH Burris, MR Boland. An Algorithm to Identify Residential Mobility from Electronic Health Record Data. International Journal of Epidemiology. 2021; In press.

19. JR Meeker, SP Canelon, R Bai, LD Levine, MR Boland. Individual- and Neighborhood-Level Risk Factors for Severe Maternal Morbidity.Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2021; In press.

20. L Davidson, MR Boland. Towards Deep Phenotyping Pregnancy: A Systematic Review on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Methods to Improve Pregnancy OutcomesBriefings in Bioinformatics. 2021; In press

21. S Canelon, HH Burris, LD Levine, MR Boland.Development and Evaluation of MADDIE: Method to Acquire Delivery Date Information from Electronic Health Records. International Journal of Medical Informatics. 2020. In press.

22. O Wetherbee, J Meeker, C DeVoto, T Penning, J Moore, MR Boland. WellExplorer: An Integrative Resource Linking Hydraulic Fracturing Chemicals with Targeted Proteins, Hormonal Pathways and Geographic Location. Database.2020; In press.

23. B Singh, G Maislin, BT Keenan, N McArdle, DR Mazzotti, U Magalang, AI Pack, R Schwab, DC Lim, OJ Veatch, MR Boland, F Pack, J Kim, UJ Magalang, J Mindel, MM Lyons, S Holfinger, S Rojas, T Gislason, B Benediktsdottir, T Penzel, B Sanner, I Fietze, M Franczyk, N Laharnar, H Qin, F Han, A Liyue Xu, JJ Guo, QY Li, Y Lin, N-H Chen, L-P Chuang, Y-S Lin, S-W Lin, H-Y Huang, C Shin, SK Lee, PA Cistulli, P deChazal, K Sutherland, P Eastwood. CPAP Treatment and Cardiovascular Prevention An Alternate Study Design that Includes Excessively Sleepy Patients? Chest 2020; 157 (4): 1046-1047.

24. S Alur-Gupta, MR Boland, K Barnhart, M Sammel, A Dokras. Postpartum Complications Increased in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2020; In press.

25. JH Moore, I Barnett, MR Boland, Y Chen, G Demiris, G Gonzalez-Hernandez, DS Herman, BE Himes, RA Hubbard, D Kim, JS Morris, DL Mowery, MD Ritchie, L Shen, R Urbanowicz, JH Holmes. Ideas for how informaticians can get involved with COVID-19 research. BioData Mining. 2020. In press.

26. L Davidson,MR Boland. Enabling Pregnant Women and their Physicians to Make Informed Medication Decisions Using Artificial Intelligence. Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics. 2020; In Press.

27. R Duan, C Luo, MJ Schuemie, J Tong, JC Liang, HH Chang, MR Boland, J Bian, H Xu, JH Holmes, CB Forrest, SC Morton, JA Berlin, JH Moore, KB Mahoney, Y Chen. Learning from local to global-an efficient distributed algorithm for modeling time-to-event data. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2020. In press.

28. S Canelon, MR Boland.A Systematic Literature Review on Factors Affecting the Timing of Menarche: Potential for Climate Change to Impact Women's Health.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020. In press

29. R Bai, GE Moran, J Antonelli, Y Chen*, MR Boland*. Spike-and-Slab Group Lassos for Grouped Regression and Sparse Generalized Additive Models. Journal of American Statistical Association (JASA) Applications. 2020; In Press. *Joint Senior Author

30. A Kashyap, H Burris, C Callison-Burch, MR Boland. The CLASSE GATOR (CLinical Acronym SenSE disambiGuATOR): A Method for Predicting Acronym Sense from Neonatal Clinical Notes.International Journal of Medical Informatics. 2020. In press.

31. MR Boland, M Fieder, LH John, P Rijnbeek, S Huber. Female Reproductive Performance and Maternal Birth Month: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Exploring Multiple Seasonal Mechanisms.Scientific Reports. 2020; 10:555.

32. MR Boland, ML Casal, M Kraus, AR Gelzer. Applied Veterinary Informatics: Development of a Semantic and Domain-Specific Method to Construct a Canine Data Repository. Scientific Reports. 2019; 9: 18641.

33. R Duan, MR Boland, Z Liu, Y Liu, HH Chang, H Xu, H Chu, CH Schmid, CB Forrest, JH Holmes, MJ Schuemie, JA Berlin, JH Moore, Y Chen. Learning from Electronic Health Records Across Multiple Sites: A Communication Efficient and Privacy Preserving Distributed Algorithm. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2019 In press.

34. MR Boland, S Alar-Gupta, L Levine, P Gabriel, G Gonzalez. Disease Associations Depend on Visit Type: Results from a Visit-Wide Association Study. BioData Mining. 2019; In press.

35. MR Boland, NP Tatonetti. Attention Deficit–Hyperactivity Disorder and Month of School Enrollment.NEJM 2019;380(7):692-693.

36. J Moore, MR Boland, P Camara, G Gonzalez, B Himes, D Mowery, M Ritchie, L Shen, R Urbanowicz, J Holmes. Preparing next generation scientists for biomedical big data: Artificial intelligence approaches. Personalized Medicine. 2019

37. MR Boland. A Model Investigating Environmental Factors that Play a Role in Female Fecundity or Birth Rate. PLOS ONE. 2018; In press. [Link]

38. MR Boland, A Kashyap, J Xiong, JH Holmes, S Lorch. Development and Validation of the PEPPER Framework (Prenatal Exposure PubMed ParsER) with Applications to Food Additives. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2018; In press. [Link]

39. MR Boland, E Dziuk, MS Kraus, AR Gelzer. Cardiovascular Disease Risk Varies by Birth Month in Canines. Scientific Reports; 2018; 8:7130. [Link]

40. MR Boland, F Polubriaginof, NP Tatonetti. Development of A Machine Learning Algorithm to Classify Drugs of Unknown Fetal Effect. Scientific Reports; 2018; 7:12839. [Link]

41. MR Boland, P Parhi, R Miotto, R Carroll, U Iqbal, P-A Nguyen, M Schuemie, SC You, D Smith, S Mooney, P Ryan, Y-C Li, RW Park, J Denny, JT Dudley, G Hripcsak, P Gentine, NP Tatonetti. Uncovering Exposures Responsible for Birth Season – Disease Effects: A Global Study. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2018; 25(3): 275-288. [Link]

42. MR Boland, P Parhi, P Gentine, NP Tatonetti. Climate Classification is an Important Factor in Assessing Quality-of-Care Across Hospitals. Scientific Reports. 2017; 7: 4948. [Link]

43. MR Boland, K Karczewski, NP Tatonetti. Ten Simple Rules to Enable Multi-site Collaborations through Data Sharing. PLOS Computational Biology. 2017; 13 (1), e1005278. [Link]

44. MR Boland, NP Tatonetti. Investigation of 7-DeHydroCholesterol Reductase Pathway to Elucidate Off-Target Prenatal Effects of Pharamceuticals: A Systematic Review. The Pharmacogenomics Journal. 2016; 16(5): 411–429. [Link]

45. L Li*, MR Boland*, R Miotto*, NP Tatonetti, J Dudley. Replicating Cardiovascular Condition-Birth Month Associations. Scientific Reports. 2016; 6: 33166. *Joint Contribution First-Author [Link]

46. K Roberts, MR Boland, L Pruinelli, JD Cruz, A Berry, M Georgsson, R Hazen, RF Sarmiento, U Backonja, K-H Yu, Y Jiang, PF Brennan. Biomedical informatics advancing the national health agenda: The AMIA 2015 Year-in-Review in clinical & consumer informatics. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2016; 24 (e1), e185-e190. [Link]

47. K Gayvert, E Dardenne, C Cheung, MR Boland, T Lorberbaum, J Wanjala, Y Chen, M Rubin, NP Tatonetti, D Rickman, O Elemento. A Computational Drug Repositioning Approach for Targeting Oncogenic Transcription Factors. Cell Reports. 2016; 15 (11), 2348-2356. [Link]

48. N Nissim, MR Boland, NP Tatonetti, Y Elovici, G Hripcsak, Y Shahar, R Moskovitch. Improving Condition Severity Classification with an Efficient Active Learning Based Framework. Journal of biomedical informatics. 2016; 61, 44-54. [Link]

49. MR Boland*, A Jacunski*, T Lorberbaum*, JD Romano, R Moskovitch, NP Tatonetti. Systems Biology Approaches for Identifying Adverse Drug Reactions and Elucidating Their Underlying Biological Mechanisms. WIREs Systems Biology and Medicine, 2016; 8 (2), 104-122. * Equal contribution first-author. [Link]

50. A Oellrich*, N Collier*, T Groza*, D Rebholz-Schuhmann*, N Shah*, O Bodenreider, MR Boland, I Georgiev, H Liu, K Livingston, A Luna, A-M Mallon, P Manda, PN Robinson, G Rustici, M Simon, L Wang, R Winnenburg, M Dumontier. The digital revolution in phenotyping. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2015; 17 (5), 819-830. * Equal contribution first-author. [Link]

51. MR Boland, Z Shahn, D Madigan, G Hripcsak, NP Tatonetti. Birth Month Affects Lifetime Disease Risk: A Phenome-Wide Method. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 2015; 22(5):1042-1053. [Link]

52. BA Kidd, A Wroblewska, MR Boland, J Agudo, M Merad, NP Tatonetti, BD Brown, JT Dudley. Mapping the effects of drugs on the immune system. Nature Biotechnology. 2016; 34:47-54. [Link]

53. MR Boland, NP Tatonetti, G Hripcsak. Development and Validation of a Classification Approach for Extracting Severity Automatically from Electronic Health Records. Journal of Biomedical Semantics, 2015; 6(14). Highly Accessed. [Link]

54. T Hao, A Rusanov, MR Boland, C Weng. Clustering clinical trials with similar eligibility features. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 2014; 52 : 112-120. [Link]

55. MR Boland, A Rusanov, Y So, Y Li, C Lopez-Jimenez, L Busacca, RC Steinman, S Bakken, JT Bigger, C Weng. 
From Expert-Derived User Needs to User-Perceived Usability and Usefulness: A Two-Phase Mixed-Methods Evaluation Framework, Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 2014; 52 : 141-150.[Link]

56. MR Boland, G Hripcsak, Y Shen, WK Chung, C Weng. Defining a Comprehensive Verotype Using Electronic Health Records for Personalized Medicine. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 2013; 20(e2)e232-8. [Link] [Short News Summary]

57. C Weng, Y Li, S Berhe, MR Boland, J Gao, GW Hruby, RC Steinman, C Lopez-Jimenez, L Busacca, G Hripcsak, S Bakken, JT Bigger.

An Integrated Model for Patient Care and Clinical Trials (IMPACT) to Support Clinical Research Visit Scheduling Workflow for Future Learning Health Systems. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 2013; 46 (4): 642-652. [Link]

58. MR Boland, R Miotto, J Gao, C Weng. Feasibility of feature-based indexing, clustering, and search of clinical trials: A case study of breast cancer trials from Methods of Information in Medicine, 2013; 52(5): 382-394. [Link] [Bioportal: Feature Hierarchy]

59. MR Boland, G Hripcsak, DJ Albers, Y Wei, AB Wilcox, J Wei, J Li, S Lin, M Breene, R Myers, J Zimmerman, PN Papapanou, C Weng,

Discovering Medical Conditions Associated with Periodontitis Using Linked Electronic Health Records. Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 2013; 40(5): 474-82. [Link] [News Article] Top Paper in the "Practice of Informatics", 2013 AMIA Annual Year in Review. [Link]

60. MR Boland, S Trembowlski, S Bakken, C Weng, An Initial Log Analysis of Usage Patterns on a Research Networking System. Clinical and Translational Science, 2012; 5(4): 340-347. [Link]

61. C Weng, X Wu, Z Luo, MR Boland, D Theodoratos, SB Johnson, EliXR: An Approach to Eligibility Criteria Extraction and Representation. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 2011; 18 Suppl 1:i116-i124. (Distinguished Paper of the 2011 AMIA Translational Summit Meeting). [Link

Conference/Workshop Publications (full peer-reviewed papers)

62. L Davidson, MR Boland. Investigating Three Classification Methods for Per/Poly-Fluoroalkyl Substance (PFAS) Exposure from Electronic Health Records and Potential for Bias. AMIA Informatics Summit 2023, Seattle, WA, USA (full paper). In Press.

63. S Tadlock, C Phillips, ML Casal, MC Kraus, AR Gelzer, MR Boland. Development of an Informatics Algorithm to Link Seasonal Infectious Diseases to Birth-Dependent Diseases Across Species: A Casey Study with Osteosarcoma. AMIA Informatics Summit 2021; In press.

64. MR Boland, J Liu, C Balocchi, JR Meeker, R Bai, I Mellis, D Mowery, D Herman.A Method to Link Neighborhood-Level Covariates to COVID-19 Infection Patterns in Philadelphia Using Spatial Regression. AMIA Informatics Summit 2021; In press.

65. S Canelon, MR Boland. Not all C-sections Are the Same: Investigating Emergency vs. Election C-section Deliveries as an Adverse Pregnancy Outcome. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing2021; In press.

66. MR Boland, K Verspoor, MG Kann, S Golder, L Levine, K O'Connor, N Villanueva-Rosales, G Gonzalez-Hernandez. Advanced Methods for Big Data Analytics in Women's Health. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing2021; In press.

67. L Davidson, MR Boland. Comparative Analysis and Evaluation of State-of-the-Art Medication Mapping Tools to Transform a Local Medication Terminology to RxNorm. AMIA Informatics Summit 2020, Houston, Tx, USA (full paper). In press.

68. R Duan, MR Boland*, JH Moore, Y Chen. ODAL: A one-shot distributed algorithm to perform logistic regressions on electronic health records data from multiple clinical sites. In Press at 2019 Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing. *Equal-contribution first-author [Link]

69. G Gonzalez-Hernandez, Z Lu, R Leaman, D Weissenbacher, MR Boland, Y Chen, J Du, J Fluck, CS Greene, J Holmes, A Kashyap, RL Nielsen, Z Ouyang, S Schaaf, JN Taroni, C Tao, Y Zhang, H Liu. PSB 2019 Workshop on Text Mining and Visualization for Precision Medicine. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing; 2019; 449-454. [Link]

70. MR Boland, NP Tatonetti. In Search of ‘Birth Month Genes’: Using Existing Data Repositories to Locate Genes Underlying Birth Month-Disease Relationships. AMIA Summits on Translational Science Proceedings; 2016. (In Press). Finalist for Distinguished Student Paper Award 2016 AMIA Translational Summit. [Link]

71. MR Boland, NP Tatonetti. Are All Vaccines Created Equal? Using Electronic Health Records to Discover Vaccines Associated With Clinician-Coded Adverse Events. AMIA Summits on Translational Science Proceedings 2015, San Francisco, CA, USA. 2015; 196-200. (1st Place Winner Student Paper Competition of the AMIA Translational Bioinformatics Meeting). [Link]

72. N Nissim, MR Boland, R Moskovitch, NP Tatonetti, Y Elovici, Y Shahar, G Hripcsak. Active Learning Framework for Efficient

Condition Severity Classification. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. 2015; 13-24. Mario Stefanelli Best Student Paper Award

73. V Agarwal, P LePendu, T Podchiyska, R Barber, MR Boland, G Hripcsak, N Shah. Using narratives as a source to automatically learn phenotype models. Data Mining for Medicine and Healthcare (DMMI) Proc. 2014; Washington DC, USA 2014.

74. N Nissim, MR Boland, R Moskovitch, N Tatonetti, Y Elovici, Y Shahar, G Hripcsak. CAESAR-ALE: An Active Learning Enhancement for Conditions Severity Classification. ACM KDD on Workshop on Connected Health at Big Data Era; NYC, USA, 2014.

75. MR Boland, NP Tatonetti, G Hripcsak. CAESAR: a Classification Approach for Extracting Severity Automatically from Electronic Health Records. Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology Phenotype Day. 2014; Boston, MA.

76. C Weng, MR Boland, Y So, A Rusanov, C Lopez-Jiminez, R Steinman, L Busacca, S Bakken, JT Bigger. Using Software to Elicit User Needs for Clinical Research Visit Scheduling. AMIA Summits on Translational Science Proceedings. 2014; San Francisco, CA In Press. [Link]

77. CL Gordon, S Pouch, LG Cowell, MR Boland, HL Platt, A Goldfain, C Weng. Design and Evaluation of a Bacterial Clinical Infectious Diseases Ontology. Proceedings of the AMIA Annual Symposium 2013; 502-511. (Finalist Student Paper Competition of the 2013 AMIA Annual Meeting) [Link]

78. MR Boland*, R Miotto*, C Weng. A Method for Probing Disease Relatedness Using Common Clinical Eligibility Criteria. MEDINFO 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2013; 192:481-5. * Equal contribution first-author. [Link]

79. G Hruby, MR Boland, JJ Cimino, J Gao, AB Wilcox, J Hirschberg, C Weng, Characterization of the Biomedical Query Mediation Process. AMIA Summits on Translational Science Proceedings,San Francisco, CA, 2013; 89-93. (Finalist Distinguished Paper of the 2013 AMIA Translational Summit Meeting) [Link]

80. MR Boland, SW Tu, S Carini, I Sim, C Weng, EliXR-TIME: A Temporal Knowledge Representation for Clinical Research Eligibility Criteria. AMIA Summits on Translational Science Proceedings, San Francisco, CA, 2012; 71-80. [Link]

Scientific Reports

81. YJ Lee, MR Boland, S Bakken, C Weng. Ontology Alignment for Linking a Homegrown Research Networking System to VIVO: Findings and Implications for Standards Development. 2013.

82. MR Boland, S Trembowelski, DC Dine, RC Steinman, S Bakken, C Weng. How Are Research Networking Systems Used and by Whom? A Case Study Using Google Analytics. 2013.

Editor of Book Chapter

83. P Orzechowski, M Stauffer, JH Moore, MR Boland. Personalized Medicine (chapter 1). In: Simulations in Medicine Computer-Aided Diagnostics and Therapy. April 20, 2020. Edited by Irena Roterman-Konieczna.

Peer-Reviewed Conference/Workshop/Symposium Abstracts:

1. E Ko, E Tubridy, C Cutri-French, S Solorzano, E McMinn, S Kim, L Martin, AJ Smith, F Simpkins, MR Boland. Impact of Geographic Region on Racial Disparities in Gynecologic Oncology Clinical Trial Enrollment. Society of Gynecological Oncology 2024 Annual Meeting on Women's Cancer. March 16-18, 2024. San Diego, CA, USA.

2. R Clark, MR Boland. Characteristics of High-Performing Hospitals Where Black Women Experience Optimal Birth Outcomes. Academy Health (senior author), June 25, 2023, Seattle, WA, USA.

3. DJ Kellier, M Anto, MR Boland, B Marquez de Prado, NT Hughes, S Ostapenko, JT Farrar, CL Szperka. Predicting migraine in the pediatric emergency room visits for headache: A case for machine learning? American Headache Society, P-147, June 15 2023. Austin, TX, USA.

4. DJ Kellier, M Anto, MR Boland, B Marquez de Prado, NT Hughes, S Ostapenko, JT Farrar, CL Szperka. Disparities in medical documentation for pediatric headache in the emergency room. American Headache Society, P-58, June 15 2023. Austin, TX, USA.

5. L Davidson, MR Boland. Investigating Three Classification Methods for Per/Poly-Fluoroalkyl Substance (PFAS) Exposure from Electronic Health Records and Potential for Bias. AMIA Informatics Summit 2023, Seattle, WA, USA (full paper). In Press.

6. S Noor, LM Davidson, MR Boland. Linking Social Vulnerability and Alzheimer's Disease Among Females. ABRCMS (Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minoritized Scientists) 2022. November 9-12, 2022. Anaheim CA (poster)

7. A Allen, A Nadgauda, N Koepler, JR Meeker, D Shah, MR Boland, S Butts, S Senapti. Investigating the Effect of Social Vulnerability Index on Fibroid Recurrence and Metabolic Dysfunction. Endocrine Society (ENDO 2022). Atlanta, Georgia. June 11-14, 2022

8. B D'Alonzo, R Morse, AC Bretzin, ALC Schneider, S Canelon, MR Boland. Identifying Traumatic Brain Injury in Females from Electronic Health Records: Considerations for Defining a Cohort. SAVIR (Society for advancement of violence and injury research) 2022. Washington, DC (podium).

9. B D'Alonzo, R Morse, AC Bretzin, ALC Schneider, S Canelon, MR Boland. Identifying Traumatic Brain Injury in Females from Electronic Health Records: Considerations for Defining a Cohort. AMIA Informatics Summit 2022. Chicago Illinois (podium).

10. JR Meeker, HH Burris, R Bai, LD Levine, MR Boland. Neighborhood deprivation increases the risk of post-induction cesarean delivery. AMIA Informatics Summit 2022. Chicago Illinois (podium).

11. S Alur-Gupta, MR Boland, A Dokras. Impact of PCOS on coronovirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) incidence and severity in the United States. Androgen Excess-PCOS 19th Annual Meeting. Virtual Conference (podium). November 12-14, 2021.

12. S Tadlock, C Phillips, ML Casal, MC Kraus, AR Gelzer, MR Boland. Development of an Informatics Algorithm to Link Seasonal Infectious Diseases to Birth-Dependent Diseases Across Species: A Casey Study with Osteosarcoma. AMIA Informatics Summit 2021; In press.

13. MR Boland, J Liu, C Balocchi, JR Meeker, R Bai, I Mellis, D Mowery, D Herman. A Method to Link Neighborhood-Level Covariates to COVID-19 Infection Patterns in Philadelphia Using Spatial Regression. AMIA Informatics Summit 2021; In press.

14. S Canelon, MR Boland. Not all C-sections Are the Same: Investigating Emergency vs. Election C-section Deliveries as an Adverse Pregnancy Outcome. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2021; In press.

15. MR Boland, K Verspoor, MG Kann, S Golder, L Levine, K O'Connor, N Villanueva-Rosales, G Gonzalez-Hernandez. Advanced Methods for Big Data Analytics in Women's Health. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2021; In press.

16. *MR Boland, L Davidson, S Canelon, J Meeker, T Penning, JH Holmes, J Moore. Harnessing Electronic Health Records to Study Emerging Environmental Disasters: A Proof of Concept with Perfluoralkyl Substances (PFAS). AMIA Annual Meeting 2020, Virtual Conference (podium).

17. SP Canelon, H Burris, L Levine, MR Boland. Development and Evaluation of an Algorithm to Automatically Extract Delivery Episodes from Electronic Health Records. AMIA Annual Meeting 2020, Virtual Conference (poster).

18. J Meeker, H Burris, MR Boland. An Algorithm to Identify Patient Relocation Events ('Moves') from EHR Data. AMIA Annual Meeting 2020, Virtual Conference (poster).

19. O Wetherbee, J Meeker, C DeVoto, T Penning, J Moore, MR Boland. WellExplorer: An Integrative Resource Linking Hydraulic Fracturing Chemicals with Targeted Proteins, Hormonal Pathways and Geographic Location. AMIA Annual Meeting 2020, Virtual Conference (poster).

20. J Meeker, MR Boland. The association between neighborhood level exposures and progression to labor. American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting 2020, Virtual Conference (poster).

21. *MR Boland, ML Casal, M Kraus, A Gelzer. Applied Veterinary Informatics: Development of a Canine Data Repository to Uncover Disease-Breed Associations. AMIA Informatics Summit 2020, Houston, Tx, USA (podium). In press

22. J Meeker, H Burris, MR Boland. An Algorithm to Identify Patient Relocation Events (‘Moves’) from Electronic Health Records Data. AMIA Informatics Summit2020, Houston, Tx, USA (poster). In press.

23. P Ndebele-Ngwenya, S Canelon, JA Peterson, S Butts, MR Boland. Investigating the Relationship Between Income and Housing Quality on Women’s Risk of Preterm Birth. Society for Adancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science 2019 (poster).

24. S Canelon, MR Boland. Investigating Pregnancy-Related Health Outcomes Among Patients with Sickle Cell Disease and Linking with Health Disparities. AMIA 2019, November 16-20, Washington DC, USA. (poster presentation).

25. R Bai, GE Moran, J Antonelli, Y Chen, MR Boland. Spike-and-Slab Group Lassos for Grouped Regression and Sparse Generalized Additive Models. Joint Statistical Meetings in Colorado 2019, July 26 – August 1, Denver Colorado (USA) (podium presentation).

26. S Alur-Gupta, MR Boland, MD Sammel, K Barnhart, A Dokras. Higher incidence of postpartum complications in women with PCOS. American Society for Reproductive Medicine 2019. (podium presentation). (Nominated for Presentation Award ASRM 2019)

27. *MR Boland, S Alar-Gupta, L Levine, P Gabriel, G Gonzalez. Importance of Visit Type in Understanding Results from Phenome-Wide Association Studies: Results from a Visit-WAS. ISMB 2019, July 21-25, Basel, Switzerland. (poster presentation).

28. R Duan, MR Boland*, JH Moore, Y Chen. ODAL: A one-shot distributed algorithm to perform logistic regressions on electronic health records data from multiple clinical sites. In Press at 2019 Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing. *Equal-contribution first-author (oral presentation).

29. G Gonzalez-Hernandez, Z Lu, R Leaman, D Weissenbacher, MR Boland*, Y Chen, J Du, J Fluck, CS Greene, J Holmes, A Kashyap, RL Nielsen, Z Ouyang, S Schaaf, JN Taroni, C Tao, Y Zhang, H Liu. PSB 2019 Workshop on Text Mining and Visualization for Precision Medicine. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing; 2019; 449-454 (oral presentation).

30. *MR Boland, *C DeVoto. Mapping Regional Effects of Exposure to Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid and Linking with Information on Toxicity. Presented at 2018 Fall Meeting, AGU, Washington DC, 10-14 December. (poster presentation)

31. *MR Boland, A Kashyap, J Xiong, JH Holmes, S Lorch. Construction of PEPPER: Prenatal Exposure Pubmed ParsER. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2018, San Francisco, CA, USA. In Press. (podium presentation)

32. *MR Boland, LH John, PR Rijnbeek. Condition Coding Practice Differences Between USA, Asia and Europe. Presented at Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics Symposium 2018, October 12, Bethesda MD, USA (podium presentation)

33. F Martin-Sanchez, R Bellazzi, *MR Boland, G Lopez-Campos. Contributions from Informatics and Data science to Environmental Health and Exposome Research. Medical Informatics in Europe (MIE) 2018; Gottenburg, Sweden, 24-27 April. (panel presentation)

34. *MR Boland, F Polubriginof, NP Tatonetti. Development of A Machine Learning Algorithm to Classify Drugs of Unknown Fetal Effect. American Society of Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics. 2018; Orlando, FL, 21-24 March. Top Scoring Poster Award. (poster and flash talk presentation)

35. *MR Boland, P Parhi, P Gentine, NP Tatonetti. Climate Classification is an Important Factor in Assessing Quality-of-Care Across Hospitals. Presented at 2017 Fall Meeting, AGU, New Orleans, LA, 11-15 December

36. *MR Boland, P Parhi, R Miotto, R Carroll, U Iqbal, P-A Nguyen, M Schuemie, SC You, D Smith, S Mooney, P Ryan, Y-C Li, RW Park, J Denny, JT Dudley, G Hripcsak, P Gentine, NP Tatonetti. Uncovering Exposures Responsible for Birth Season – Disease Effects: A Global Study. Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics Symposium 2017, October 18, Bethesda MD, USA (presentation).

37. *MR Boland, NP Tatonetti. Assessing the Mutational Spectrum of 7-DeHydroCholesterol Reductase and the Toxicological Effects of Pharmacological Inhibition During the Prenatal Period; (Abstract / Prenatal, Perinatal and Reproductive Genetics #3260T). Presented at the 66th Annual Meeting of The American Society of Human Genetics, October 20, 2016, Vancouver, Canada.

38. *MR Boland, L Li, R Miotto, J Dudley, NP Tatonetti. Cardiovascular Disease Risk And Birth Month? Discovering and Replicating Novel Birth Month Associations.Data Science Day at Columbia University, New York, NY, USA (poster), April 3, 2016

39. *MR Boland, NP Tatonetti. In Search of ‘Birth Month Genes’: Using Existing Data Repositories to Locate Genes Underlying Birth Month-Disease Relationships. AMIA Summits on Translational Science Proceedings 2016, San Francisco, CA, USA.

40. F Polubriaginof, A Perotte, MR Boland, D Vawdrey. Quality of Race and Ethnicity Data in Electronic Health Records.

AMIA Summits on Translational Science Proceedings 2016 , San Francisco, CA, USA (podium).

41. *MR Boland, G Hripcsak, P Ryan, NP Tatonetti. A Climate-Wide Journey to Explore Mechanisms Underlying Birth Month-Disease Risk Associations: A Call for Collaboration. Observational Heatlh Data Sciences and Informatics Symposium 2015, Washington DC, USA (poster).

42. *MR Boland, Z Shahn, D Madigan, G Hripcsak, NP Tatonetti. Using Electronic Health Records to Uncover Disease-Birth Month Dependencies. National Library of Medicine Informatics Trainee Conference 2015, National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD, USA (focus session).

43. *MR Boland, Z Shahn, D Madigan, G Hripcsak, NP Tatonetti. Using Electronic Health Records to Uncover Disease-Birth Month Dependencies. 2015 Symposium on Advances in Genomics, Epidemiology and Statistics (SAGES), University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA (poster). Received Travel Award

44. N Nissim, MR Boland, R Moskovitch, NP Tatonetti, Y Elovici, Y Shahar, G Hripcsak. Active Learning Framework for Efficient Condition Severity Classification. Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIME). 2015; Pavia, Italy.

45. *MR Boland, NP Tatonetti. Are All Vaccines Created Equal? Using Electronic Health Records to Discover Vaccines Associated With Clinician-Coded Adverse Events. AMIA Summits on Translational Science Proceedings 2015, San Francisco, CA, USA. (oral presentation).

46. *MR Boland, Z Shahn, D Madigan, G Hripcsak, NP Tatonetti. Using Electronic Health Records to Uncover Disease-Birth Month Dependencies. AMIA Summits on Translational Science Proceedings 2015, San Francisco, CA, USA (poster).

47. B Kidd, A Wroblewska, MR Boland, J Agudo, M Merad, NP Tatonetti, B Brown, J Dudley. Systematic integrative analysis of immune pharmacology. AMIA Summits on Translational Science Proceedings 2015, San Francisco, CA, USA (poster).

48. V Agarwal, P LePendu, T Podchiyska, R Barber, MR Boland, G Hripcsak, N Shah. Using narratives as a source to automatically learn phenotype models. Data Mining for Medicine and Healthcare (DMMI) Proc. 2014, Washington DC, USA.

49. N Nissim, MR Boland, R Moskovitch, NP Tatonetti, Y Elovici, YShahar, G Hripcsak. CAESAR-ALE: An Active Learning Enhancement for Conditions Severity Classification. SIGKDD 2014, New York, NY, USA.

50. *MR Boland, NP Tatonetti, G Hripcsak. CAESAR: a Classification Approach for Extracting Severity Automatically from Electronic Health Records. Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology Phenotype Day. 2014; Boston, MA. [Link]

51. MR Boland, R Miotto, C Weng. A method for probing disease relatedness using common clinical eligibility criteria. MEDINFO 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark.

52. YJ Lee, MR Boland, S Bakken, C Weng. Ontology Alignment for Linking a Homegrown Research Networking System to VIVO: Findings and Implications for Standards Development. AMIA Summits on Translational Science Proceedings 2013 p.99 (poster)

53. *MR Boland, S Trembowelski, D Dine, RC Steinman, S Bakken, C Weng. Using Google Analytics to Elucidate Research Networking System Usage. Clinical and Translational Science Award Annual Meeting 2012 (poster).

54. YJ Lee, MR Boland, S Bakken, C Weng. Aligning One CTSA’s Research Networking System to VIVO. Clinical and Translational Science Award Annual Meeting 2012 (podium). [Link]

55. *MR Boland, G Hripcsak, DJ Albers, Y Wei, A Wilcox, J Wei, M Breene, J Zimmerman, C Weng. Linked Records Reveal Associations between Oral and Overall Health. Clinical and Translational Science Award Annual Meeting 2012 (poster).

56. *MR Boland, SB Johnson, S Trembowelski, DC Dine, RC Steinman, S Bakken, C Weng. An Initial Log-based Usage Analysis of Research Networking Systems. AMIA Summits on Translational Science Proceedings, San Francisco, CA, 2012; 148. (Podium) [File]

57. *MR Boland, S Tu, S Carini, I Sim, C Weng. EliXR-TIME: A Temporal Knowledge Representation for Clinical Research Eligibility Criteria. AMIA Summits on Translational Science Proceedings 2012: 71-80 (oral presentation). [Link]

58. *MR Boland, ML Sierk. Annotation of Putatively Conserved Non-Coding Regions in Branchiostoma Floridae. National Conference for Undergraduate Research 2010, Missoula MT (poster). [Link] [File]

59. *MR Boland, R Parker. Optimizing Cancer Chemotherapy Administration: Effect of Model Structure on Treatment Cost and Effect. Undergraduate Research in Tissue Engineering (Pittsburgh-Based Affiliate Research Institutes) 2009, Pittsburgh PA (poster No 3). [Link] [File]

60. *MR Boland, M Raab, M Sangimino. Data Design & Flow for RAE: An interactive web- based biomedical informatics system for pediatric orthopedic patients. Duquesne University Summer Research Symposium 2008, Pittsburgh PA (poster No 84). [Link] [File]

*Mary Regina Boland Gave Oral Presentation of Research

Copyright Mary Regina Boland 2012-2024.
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