Mary Regina Boland, MA, MPhil, PhD, FAMIA
Journal Publications
1. BA D'Alonzo, AC Bretzin, ALC Schneider, RB Morse, SP Canelon, DJ Wiebe, MR Boland. Comparison of different definitions of traumatic brain injury: implications for cohort characteristics and survival in women, Philadelphia, USA. Injury Prevention. 2024; In Press.
2. T Te, B Keenan, O Veatch, MR Boland, R Hubbard, A Pack. Identifying Clusters of Patient Comorbidities associated with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Using Electronic Health Records. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. 2024; In Press.
3. D Zhang, J Tong, R Stein, Y Lu, N Jing, Y Yan, MR Boland, C Luo, RN Baldassano, RJ Carroll CB Forrest, Y Chen. One-shot distributed algorithms for addressing heterogeneity in competing risks data across clinical sites. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 2024; 150:104595.
4. R Bai, MR Boland*, Y Chen*. Scalable high-dimensional Bayesian Varying Coefficient Models with Unknown Within-Subject Covariance. Journal of Machine Learning Research. 2023; In Press.*Joint Senior Author
5. KE Mari, N Yang, MR Boland, JR Meeker, R Ledyard, EA Howell, HH Burris. Assessing Racial Residential Segregation as a Risk Factor for Severe Maternal Morbidity. Annuals of Epidemiology. 2023; In Press.
6. S Alur-Gupta, MR Boland, A Dokras. Risk of SARS-CoV-2 Infection Among Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Fertility & Sterility 2023; In Press.
7. A Kashyap, C Callison-Burch, MR Boland. A Deep Learning Method to Detect Opioid Prescription and Opioid Use Disorder from Electronic Health Records. International Journal of Medical Informatics. 2023; In press.
8. L Davidson, S Canelon, MR Boland. A Medication-Wide Association Study (MWAS) on Repurposed Drugs for COVID-19 with Pre-pandemic Prescription Medication Exposure and Pregnancy Outcomes. Scientific Reports 2022; In Press.
9. L Davidson, S Canelon, MR Boland. Prescription Medication Exposures and Multi-Fetal Pregnancies: Medication-Wide Association Study (MWAS) Using Electronic Health Record Data. Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) 2022; In Press.
10. A Bushong, T McKeon, MR Boland, J Field. Publicly available data reveals association between asthma hospitalizations and unconventional natural gas development in Pennsylvania. PloS One. 2022; In press.
11. RB Morse, AC Breitzin, SP Canelón, BA D'Alonzo, ALC Schneider, MR Boland. Design and Evaluation of a Postpartum Depression Ontology. Applied Clinical Informatics. 2022; In press.
12. DR Mazzotti, BT Keenan, EH Thorarinsdottir, T Gislason, AI Pack, R Schwab, G Maislin, N Jafari, MR Boland, F Pack, J Kim, UJ Magalang, J Mindel, MM Lyons, S Holfinger, S Rojas, D Laurent, A Gonzalez Zacarias, B Benediktsdottir, T Penzel, B Sanner, I Fietze, M Franczyk, N Laharnar, H Qin, F Han, A Liyue Xu, JJ Guo, QY Li, Y Lin, N-H Chen, L-P Chuang, Y-S Lin, S-W Lin, H-Y Huang, PA Cistulli, P deChazal, K Sutherland, B Singh, N McArdle, P Eastwood, D Mazzotti, O Veatch, D Lim. Is the Epworth Sleepiness Scale Sufficient to Identify the Excessively Sleepy Subtype of OSA? 2022; 161 (2): 557-561.
13. MR Boland, N Elhadad, W Pratt. Informatics for Sex- and Gender-Related Health: Understanding the Problems, Developing New Methods and Designing New Solutions. Journal of American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA). 2021; In press.
14. JR Meeker, HH Burris, R Bai, LD Levine, MR Boland. Neighborhood deprivation increases the risk of post-induction cesarean delivery. Journal of American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA). 2021; In press.
15. S Canelon, S Butts, MR Boland.Evaluation of Stillbirth Among Pregnant People with Sickle Cell Trait. JAMA Network Open. 2021; In press.
16. MR Boland, L Davidson, S Canelon, J Meeker, T Penning, JH Holmes, J Moore. Harnessing Electronic Health Records to Study Emerging Environmental Disasters: A Proof of Concept with Perfluoralkyl Substances (PFAS). Nature Digital Medicine. 2021; In press.
17. JH Holmes, J Beinlich, MR Boland, K Bowles, Y Chen, T Cook, G Demiris, M Draugelis, L Fluharty, P Gabriel, R Grundmeier, C Hanson, D Herman, B Himes, R Hubbard, C Kahn Jr., D Kim, R Koppel, Q Long, N Mirkovic, J Morris, D Mowery, M Ritchie, R Urbanowicz, JH Moore. Why is the Electronic Health Record so Challenging for Research and Clinical Care? Methods of Information in Medicine. 2021; In press.
18. JR Meeker, HH Burris, MR Boland. An Algorithm to Identify Residential Mobility from Electronic Health Record Data. International Journal of Epidemiology. 2021; In press.
19. JR Meeker, SP Canelon, R Bai, LD Levine, MR Boland. Individual- and Neighborhood-Level Risk Factors for Severe Maternal Morbidity.Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2021; In press.
20. L Davidson, MR Boland. Towards Deep Phenotyping Pregnancy: A Systematic Review on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Methods to Improve Pregnancy Outcomes. Briefings in Bioinformatics. 2021; In press
21. S Canelon, HH Burris, LD Levine, MR Boland.Development and Evaluation of MADDIE: Method to Acquire Delivery Date Information from Electronic Health Records. International Journal of Medical Informatics. 2020. In press.
22. O Wetherbee, J Meeker, C DeVoto, T Penning, J Moore, MR Boland. WellExplorer: An Integrative Resource Linking Hydraulic Fracturing Chemicals with Targeted Proteins, Hormonal Pathways and Geographic Location. Database.2020; In press.
23. B Singh, G Maislin, BT Keenan, N McArdle, DR Mazzotti, U Magalang, AI Pack, R Schwab, DC Lim, OJ Veatch, MR Boland, F Pack, J Kim, UJ Magalang, J Mindel, MM Lyons, S Holfinger, S Rojas, T Gislason, B Benediktsdottir, T Penzel, B Sanner, I Fietze, M Franczyk, N Laharnar, H Qin, F Han, A Liyue Xu, JJ Guo, QY Li, Y Lin, N-H Chen, L-P Chuang, Y-S Lin, S-W Lin, H-Y Huang, C Shin, SK Lee, PA Cistulli, P deChazal, K Sutherland, P Eastwood. CPAP Treatment and Cardiovascular Prevention An Alternate Study Design that Includes Excessively Sleepy Patients? Chest 2020; 157 (4): 1046-1047.
24. S Alur-Gupta, MR Boland, K Barnhart, M Sammel, A Dokras. Postpartum Complications Increased in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2020; In press.
25. JH Moore, I Barnett, MR Boland, Y Chen, G Demiris, G Gonzalez-Hernandez, DS Herman, BE Himes, RA Hubbard, D Kim, JS Morris, DL Mowery, MD Ritchie, L Shen, R Urbanowicz, JH Holmes. Ideas for how informaticians can get involved with COVID-19 research. BioData Mining. 2020. In press.
26. L Davidson,MR Boland. Enabling Pregnant Women and their Physicians to Make Informed Medication Decisions Using Artificial Intelligence. Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics. 2020; In Press.
27. R Duan, C Luo, MJ Schuemie, J Tong, JC Liang, HH Chang, MR Boland, J Bian, H Xu, JH Holmes, CB Forrest, SC Morton, JA Berlin, JH Moore, KB Mahoney, Y Chen. Learning from local to global-an efficient distributed algorithm for modeling time-to-event data. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2020. In press.
28. S Canelon, MR Boland.A Systematic Literature Review on Factors Affecting the Timing of Menarche: Potential for Climate Change to Impact Women's Health.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020. In press
29. R Bai, GE Moran, J Antonelli, Y Chen*, MR Boland*. Spike-and-Slab Group Lassos for Grouped Regression and Sparse Generalized Additive Models. Journal of American Statistical Association (JASA) Applications. 2020; In Press. *Joint Senior Author
30. A Kashyap, H Burris, C Callison-Burch, MR Boland. The CLASSE GATOR (CLinical Acronym SenSE disambiGuATOR): A Method for Predicting Acronym Sense from Neonatal Clinical Notes.International Journal of Medical Informatics. 2020. In press.
31. MR Boland, M Fieder, LH John, P Rijnbeek, S Huber. Female Reproductive Performance and Maternal Birth Month: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Exploring Multiple Seasonal Mechanisms.Scientific Reports. 2020; 10:555.
32. MR Boland, ML Casal, M Kraus, AR Gelzer. Applied Veterinary Informatics: Development of a Semantic and Domain-Specific Method to Construct a Canine Data Repository. Scientific Reports. 2019; 9: 18641.
33. R Duan, MR Boland, Z Liu, Y Liu, HH Chang, H Xu, H Chu, CH Schmid, CB Forrest, JH Holmes, MJ Schuemie, JA Berlin, JH Moore, Y Chen. Learning from Electronic Health Records Across Multiple Sites: A Communication Efficient and Privacy Preserving Distributed Algorithm. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2019 In press.
34. MR Boland, S Alar-Gupta, L Levine, P Gabriel, G Gonzalez. Disease Associations Depend on Visit Type: Results from a Visit-Wide Association Study. BioData Mining. 2019; In press.
35. MR Boland, NP Tatonetti. Attention Deficit–Hyperactivity Disorder and Month of School Enrollment.NEJM 2019;380(7):692-693.
36. J Moore, MR Boland, P Camara, G Gonzalez, B Himes, D Mowery, M Ritchie, L Shen, R Urbanowicz, J Holmes. Preparing next generation scientists for biomedical big data: Artificial intelligence approaches. Personalized Medicine. 2019
37. MR Boland. A Model Investigating Environmental Factors that Play a Role in Female Fecundity or Birth Rate. PLOS ONE. 2018; In press. [Link]
38. MR Boland, A Kashyap, J Xiong, JH Holmes, S Lorch. Development and Validation of the PEPPER Framework (Prenatal Exposure PubMed ParsER) with Applications to Food Additives. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2018; In press. [Link]
39. MR Boland, E Dziuk, MS Kraus, AR Gelzer. Cardiovascular Disease Risk Varies by Birth Month in Canines. Scientific Reports; 2018; 8:7130. [Link]
40. MR Boland, F Polubriaginof, NP Tatonetti. Development of A Machine Learning Algorithm to Classify Drugs of Unknown Fetal Effect. Scientific Reports; 2018; 7:12839. [Link]
41. MR Boland, P Parhi, R Miotto, R Carroll, U Iqbal, P-A Nguyen, M Schuemie, SC You, D Smith, S Mooney, P Ryan, Y-C Li, RW Park, J Denny, JT Dudley, G Hripcsak, P Gentine, NP Tatonetti. Uncovering Exposures Responsible for Birth Season – Disease Effects: A Global Study. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2018; 25(3): 275-288. [Link]
42. MR Boland, P Parhi, P Gentine, NP Tatonetti. Climate Classification is an Important Factor in Assessing Quality-of-Care Across Hospitals. Scientific Reports. 2017; 7: 4948. [Link]
43. MR Boland, K Karczewski, NP Tatonetti. Ten Simple Rules to Enable Multi-site Collaborations through Data Sharing. PLOS Computational Biology. 2017; 13 (1), e1005278. [Link]
44. MR Boland, NP Tatonetti. Investigation of 7-DeHydroCholesterol Reductase Pathway to Elucidate Off-Target Prenatal Effects of Pharamceuticals: A Systematic Review. The Pharmacogenomics Journal. 2016; 16(5): 411–429. [Link]
45. L Li*, MR Boland*, R Miotto*, NP Tatonetti, J Dudley. Replicating Cardiovascular Condition-Birth Month Associations. Scientific Reports. 2016; 6: 33166. *Joint Contribution First-Author [Link]
46. K Roberts, MR Boland, L Pruinelli, JD Cruz, A Berry, M Georgsson, R Hazen, RF Sarmiento, U Backonja, K-H Yu, Y Jiang, PF Brennan. Biomedical informatics advancing the national health agenda: The AMIA 2015 Year-in-Review in clinical & consumer informatics. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2016; 24 (e1), e185-e190. [Link]
47. K Gayvert, E Dardenne, C Cheung, MR Boland, T Lorberbaum, J Wanjala, Y Chen, M Rubin, NP Tatonetti, D Rickman, O Elemento. A Computational Drug Repositioning Approach for Targeting Oncogenic Transcription Factors. Cell Reports. 2016; 15 (11), 2348-2356. [Link]
48. N Nissim, MR Boland, NP Tatonetti, Y Elovici, G Hripcsak, Y Shahar, R Moskovitch. Improving Condition Severity Classification with an Efficient Active Learning Based Framework. Journal of biomedical informatics. 2016; 61, 44-54. [Link]
49. MR Boland*, A Jacunski*, T Lorberbaum*, JD Romano, R Moskovitch, NP Tatonetti. Systems Biology Approaches for Identifying Adverse Drug Reactions and Elucidating Their Underlying Biological Mechanisms. WIREs Systems Biology and Medicine, 2016; 8 (2), 104-122. * Equal contribution first-author. [Link]
50. A Oellrich*, N Collier*, T Groza*, D Rebholz-Schuhmann*, N Shah*, O Bodenreider, MR Boland, I Georgiev, H Liu, K Livingston, A Luna, A-M Mallon, P Manda, PN Robinson, G Rustici, M Simon, L Wang, R Winnenburg, M Dumontier. The digital revolution in phenotyping. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2015; 17 (5), 819-830. * Equal contribution first-author. [Link]
51. MR Boland, Z Shahn, D Madigan, G Hripcsak, NP Tatonetti. Birth Month Affects Lifetime Disease Risk: A Phenome-Wide Method. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 2015; 22(5):1042-1053. [Link]
52. BA Kidd, A Wroblewska, MR Boland, J Agudo, M Merad, NP Tatonetti, BD Brown, JT Dudley. Mapping the effects of drugs on the immune system. Nature Biotechnology. 2016; 34:47-54. [Link]
53. MR Boland, NP Tatonetti, G Hripcsak. Development and Validation of a Classification Approach for Extracting Severity Automatically from Electronic Health Records. Journal of Biomedical Semantics, 2015; 6(14). Highly Accessed. [Link]
54. T Hao, A Rusanov, MR Boland, C Weng. Clustering clinical trials with similar eligibility features. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 2014; 52 : 112-120. [Link]
55. MR Boland, A Rusanov, Y So, Y Li, C Lopez-Jimenez, L Busacca, RC Steinman, S Bakken, JT Bigger, C Weng. 
From Expert-Derived User Needs to User-Perceived Usability and Usefulness: A Two-Phase Mixed-Methods Evaluation Framework, Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 2014; 52 : 141-150.[Link]
56. MR Boland, G Hripcsak, Y Shen, WK Chung, C Weng. Defining a Comprehensive Verotype Using Electronic Health Records for Personalized Medicine. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 2013; 20(e2)e232-8. [Link] [Short News Summary]
57. C Weng, Y Li, S Berhe, MR Boland, J Gao, GW Hruby, RC Steinman, C Lopez-Jimenez, L Busacca, G Hripcsak, S Bakken, JT Bigger.
An Integrated Model for Patient Care and Clinical Trials (IMPACT) to Support Clinical Research Visit Scheduling Workflow for Future Learning Health Systems. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 2013; 46 (4): 642-652. [Link]
58. MR Boland, R Miotto, J Gao, C Weng. Feasibility of feature-based indexing, clustering, and search of clinical trials: A case study of breast cancer trials from ClinicalTrials.gov. Methods of Information in Medicine, 2013; 52(5): 382-394. [Link] [Bioportal: Feature Hierarchy]
59. MR Boland, G Hripcsak, DJ Albers, Y Wei, AB Wilcox, J Wei, J Li, S Lin, M Breene, R Myers, J Zimmerman, PN Papapanou, C Weng,
Discovering Medical Conditions Associated with Periodontitis Using Linked Electronic Health Records. Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 2013; 40(5): 474-82. [Link] [News Article] Top Paper in the "Practice of Informatics", 2013 AMIA Annual Year in Review. [Link]
60. MR Boland, S Trembowlski, S Bakken, C Weng, An Initial Log Analysis of Usage Patterns on a Research Networking System. Clinical and Translational Science, 2012; 5(4): 340-347. [Link]
61. C Weng, X Wu, Z Luo, MR Boland, D Theodoratos, SB Johnson, EliXR: An Approach to Eligibility Criteria Extraction and Representation. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 2011; 18 Suppl 1:i116-i124. (Distinguished Paper of the 2011 AMIA Translational Summit Meeting). [Link]
Conference/Workshop Publications (full peer-reviewed papers)
62. L Davidson, MR Boland. Investigating Three Classification Methods for Per/Poly-Fluoroalkyl Substance (PFAS) Exposure from Electronic Health Records and Potential for Bias. AMIA Informatics Summit 2023, Seattle, WA, USA (full paper). In Press.
63. S Tadlock, C Phillips, ML Casal, MC Kraus, AR Gelzer, MR Boland. Development of an Informatics Algorithm to Link Seasonal Infectious Diseases to Birth-Dependent Diseases Across Species: A Casey Study with Osteosarcoma. AMIA Informatics Summit 2021; In press.
64. MR Boland, J Liu, C Balocchi, JR Meeker, R Bai, I Mellis, D Mowery, D Herman.A Method to Link Neighborhood-Level Covariates to COVID-19 Infection Patterns in Philadelphia Using Spatial Regression. AMIA Informatics Summit 2021; In press.
65. S Canelon, MR Boland. Not all C-sections Are the Same: Investigating Emergency vs. Election C-section Deliveries as an Adverse Pregnancy Outcome. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing2021; In press.
66. MR Boland, K Verspoor, MG Kann, S Golder, L Levine, K O'Connor, N Villanueva-Rosales, G Gonzalez-Hernandez. Advanced Methods for Big Data Analytics in Women's Health. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing2021; In press.
67. L Davidson, MR Boland. Comparative Analysis and Evaluation of State-of-the-Art Medication Mapping Tools to Transform a Local Medication Terminology to RxNorm. AMIA Informatics Summit 2020, Houston, Tx, USA (full paper). In press.
68. R Duan, MR Boland*, JH Moore, Y Chen. ODAL: A one-shot distributed algorithm to perform logistic regressions on electronic health records data from multiple clinical sites. In Press at 2019 Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing. *Equal-contribution first-author [Link]
69. G Gonzalez-Hernandez, Z Lu, R Leaman, D Weissenbacher, MR Boland, Y Chen, J Du, J Fluck, CS Greene, J Holmes, A Kashyap, RL Nielsen, Z Ouyang, S Schaaf, JN Taroni, C Tao, Y Zhang, H Liu. PSB 2019 Workshop on Text Mining and Visualization for Precision Medicine. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing; 2019; 449-454. [Link]
70. MR Boland, NP Tatonetti. In Search of ‘Birth Month Genes’: Using Existing Data Repositories to Locate Genes Underlying Birth Month-Disease Relationships. AMIA Summits on Translational Science Proceedings; 2016. (In Press). Finalist for Distinguished Student Paper Award 2016 AMIA Translational Summit. [Link]
71. MR Boland, NP Tatonetti. Are All Vaccines Created Equal? Using Electronic Health Records to Discover Vaccines Associated With Clinician-Coded Adverse Events. AMIA Summits on Translational Science Proceedings 2015, San Francisco, CA, USA. 2015; 196-200. (1st Place Winner Student Paper Competition of the AMIA Translational Bioinformatics Meeting). [Link]
72. N Nissim, MR Boland, R Moskovitch, NP Tatonetti, Y Elovici, Y Shahar, G Hripcsak. Active Learning Framework for Efficient
Condition Severity Classification. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. 2015; 13-24. Mario Stefanelli Best Student Paper Award
73. V Agarwal, P LePendu, T Podchiyska, R Barber, MR Boland, G Hripcsak, N Shah. Using narratives as a source to automatically learn phenotype models. Data Mining for Medicine and Healthcare (DMMI) Proc. 2014; Washington DC, USA 2014.
74. N Nissim, MR Boland, R Moskovitch, N Tatonetti, Y Elovici, Y Shahar, G Hripcsak. CAESAR-ALE: An Active Learning Enhancement for Conditions Severity Classification. ACM KDD on Workshop on Connected Health at Big Data Era; NYC, USA, 2014.
75. MR Boland, NP Tatonetti, G Hripcsak. CAESAR: a Classification Approach for Extracting Severity Automatically from Electronic Health Records. Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology Phenotype Day. 2014; Boston, MA.
76. C Weng, MR Boland, Y So, A Rusanov, C Lopez-Jiminez, R Steinman, L Busacca, S Bakken, JT Bigger. Using Software to Elicit User Needs for Clinical Research Visit Scheduling. AMIA Summits on Translational Science Proceedings. 2014; San Francisco, CA In Press. [Link]
77. CL Gordon, S Pouch, LG Cowell, MR Boland, HL Platt, A Goldfain, C Weng. Design and Evaluation of a Bacterial Clinical Infectious Diseases Ontology. Proceedings of the AMIA Annual Symposium 2013; 502-511. (Finalist Student Paper Competition of the 2013 AMIA Annual Meeting) [Link]
78. MR Boland*, R Miotto*, C Weng. A Method for Probing Disease Relatedness Using Common Clinical Eligibility Criteria. MEDINFO 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2013; 192:481-5. * Equal contribution first-author. [Link]
79. G Hruby, MR Boland, JJ Cimino, J Gao, AB Wilcox, J Hirschberg, C Weng, Characterization of the Biomedical Query Mediation Process. AMIA Summits on Translational Science Proceedings,San Francisco, CA, 2013; 89-93. (Finalist Distinguished Paper of the 2013 AMIA Translational Summit Meeting) [Link]
80. MR Boland, SW Tu, S Carini, I Sim, C Weng, EliXR-TIME: A Temporal Knowledge Representation for Clinical Research Eligibility Criteria. AMIA Summits on Translational Science Proceedings, San Francisco, CA, 2012; 71-80. [Link]
Scientific Reports
81. YJ Lee, MR Boland, S Bakken, C Weng. Ontology Alignment for Linking a Homegrown Research Networking System to VIVO: Findings and Implications for Standards Development. 2013.
82. MR Boland, S Trembowelski, DC Dine, RC Steinman, S Bakken, C Weng. How Are Research Networking Systems Used and by Whom? A Case Study Using Google Analytics. 2013.
Editor of Book Chapter
83. P Orzechowski, M Stauffer, JH Moore, MR Boland. Personalized Medicine (chapter 1). In: Simulations in Medicine Computer-Aided Diagnostics and Therapy. April 20, 2020. Edited by Irena Roterman-Konieczna.
Peer-Reviewed Conference/Workshop/Symposium Abstracts:
1. E Ko, E Tubridy, C Cutri-French, S Solorzano, E McMinn, S Kim, L Martin, AJ Smith, F Simpkins, MR Boland. Impact of Geographic Region on Racial Disparities in Gynecologic Oncology Clinical Trial Enrollment. Society of Gynecological Oncology 2024 Annual Meeting on Women's Cancer. March 16-18, 2024. San Diego, CA, USA.
2. R Clark, MR Boland. Characteristics of High-Performing Hospitals Where Black Women Experience Optimal Birth Outcomes. Academy Health (senior author), June 25, 2023, Seattle, WA, USA.
3. DJ Kellier, M Anto, MR Boland, B Marquez de Prado, NT Hughes, S Ostapenko, JT Farrar, CL Szperka. Predicting migraine in the pediatric emergency room visits for headache: A case for machine learning? American Headache Society, P-147, June 15 2023. Austin, TX, USA.
4. DJ Kellier, M Anto, MR Boland, B Marquez de Prado, NT Hughes, S Ostapenko, JT Farrar, CL Szperka. Disparities in medical documentation for pediatric headache in the emergency room. American Headache Society, P-58, June 15 2023. Austin, TX, USA.
5. L Davidson, MR Boland. Investigating Three Classification Methods for Per/Poly-Fluoroalkyl Substance (PFAS) Exposure from Electronic Health Records and Potential for Bias. AMIA Informatics Summit 2023, Seattle, WA, USA (full paper). In Press.
6. S Noor, LM Davidson, MR Boland. Linking Social Vulnerability and Alzheimer's Disease Among Females. ABRCMS (Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minoritized Scientists) 2022. November 9-12, 2022. Anaheim CA (poster)
7. A Allen, A Nadgauda, N Koepler, JR Meeker, D Shah, MR Boland, S Butts, S Senapti. Investigating the Effect of Social Vulnerability Index on Fibroid Recurrence and Metabolic Dysfunction. Endocrine Society (ENDO 2022). Atlanta, Georgia. June 11-14, 2022
8. B D'Alonzo, R Morse, AC Bretzin, ALC Schneider, S Canelon, MR Boland. Identifying Traumatic Brain Injury in Females from Electronic Health Records: Considerations for Defining a Cohort. SAVIR (Society for advancement of violence and injury research) 2022. Washington, DC (podium).
9. B D'Alonzo, R Morse, AC Bretzin, ALC Schneider, S Canelon, MR Boland. Identifying Traumatic Brain Injury in Females from Electronic Health Records: Considerations for Defining a Cohort. AMIA Informatics Summit 2022. Chicago Illinois (podium).
10. JR Meeker, HH Burris, R Bai, LD Levine, MR Boland. Neighborhood deprivation increases the risk of post-induction cesarean delivery. AMIA Informatics Summit 2022. Chicago Illinois (podium).
11. S Alur-Gupta, MR Boland, A Dokras. Impact of PCOS on coronovirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) incidence and severity in the United States. Androgen Excess-PCOS 19th Annual Meeting. Virtual Conference (podium). November 12-14, 2021.
12. S Tadlock, C Phillips, ML Casal, MC Kraus, AR Gelzer, MR Boland. Development of an Informatics Algorithm to Link Seasonal Infectious Diseases to Birth-Dependent Diseases Across Species: A Casey Study with Osteosarcoma. AMIA Informatics Summit 2021; In press.
13. MR Boland, J Liu, C Balocchi, JR Meeker, R Bai, I Mellis, D Mowery, D Herman. A Method to Link Neighborhood-Level Covariates to COVID-19 Infection Patterns in Philadelphia Using Spatial Regression. AMIA Informatics Summit 2021; In press.
14. S Canelon, MR Boland. Not all C-sections Are the Same: Investigating Emergency vs. Election C-section Deliveries as an Adverse Pregnancy Outcome. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2021; In press.
15. MR Boland, K Verspoor, MG Kann, S Golder, L Levine, K O'Connor, N Villanueva-Rosales, G Gonzalez-Hernandez. Advanced Methods for Big Data Analytics in Women's Health. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2021; In press.
16. *MR Boland, L Davidson, S Canelon, J Meeker, T Penning, JH Holmes, J Moore. Harnessing Electronic Health Records to Study Emerging Environmental Disasters: A Proof of Concept with Perfluoralkyl Substances (PFAS). AMIA Annual Meeting 2020, Virtual Conference (podium).
17. SP Canelon, H Burris, L Levine, MR Boland. Development and Evaluation of an Algorithm to Automatically Extract Delivery Episodes from Electronic Health Records. AMIA Annual Meeting 2020, Virtual Conference (poster).
18. J Meeker, H Burris, MR Boland. An Algorithm to Identify Patient Relocation Events ('Moves') from EHR Data. AMIA Annual Meeting 2020, Virtual Conference (poster).
19. O Wetherbee, J Meeker, C DeVoto, T Penning, J Moore, MR Boland. WellExplorer: An Integrative Resource Linking Hydraulic Fracturing Chemicals with Targeted Proteins, Hormonal Pathways and Geographic Location. AMIA Annual Meeting 2020, Virtual Conference (poster).
20. J Meeker, MR Boland. The association between neighborhood level exposures and progression to labor. American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting 2020, Virtual Conference (poster).
21. *MR Boland, ML Casal, M Kraus, A Gelzer. Applied Veterinary Informatics: Development of a Canine Data Repository to Uncover Disease-Breed Associations. AMIA Informatics Summit 2020, Houston, Tx, USA (podium). In press
22. J Meeker, H Burris, MR Boland. An Algorithm to Identify Patient Relocation Events (‘Moves’) from Electronic Health Records Data. AMIA Informatics Summit2020, Houston, Tx, USA (poster). In press.
23. P Ndebele-Ngwenya, S Canelon, JA Peterson, S Butts, MR Boland. Investigating the Relationship Between Income and Housing Quality on Women’s Risk of Preterm Birth. Society for Adancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science 2019 (poster).
24. S Canelon, MR Boland. Investigating Pregnancy-Related Health Outcomes Among Patients with Sickle Cell Disease and Linking with Health Disparities. AMIA 2019, November 16-20, Washington DC, USA. (poster presentation).
25. R Bai, GE Moran, J Antonelli, Y Chen, MR Boland. Spike-and-Slab Group Lassos for Grouped Regression and Sparse Generalized Additive Models. Joint Statistical Meetings in Colorado 2019, July 26 – August 1, Denver Colorado (USA) (podium presentation).
26. S Alur-Gupta, MR Boland, MD Sammel, K Barnhart, A Dokras. Higher incidence of postpartum complications in women with PCOS. American Society for Reproductive Medicine 2019. (podium presentation). (Nominated for Presentation Award ASRM 2019)
27. *MR Boland, S Alar-Gupta, L Levine, P Gabriel, G Gonzalez. Importance of Visit Type in Understanding Results from Phenome-Wide Association Studies: Results from a Visit-WAS. ISMB 2019, July 21-25, Basel, Switzerland. (poster presentation).
28. R Duan, MR Boland*, JH Moore, Y Chen. ODAL: A one-shot distributed algorithm to perform logistic regressions on electronic health records data from multiple clinical sites. In Press at 2019 Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing. *Equal-contribution first-author (oral presentation).
29. G Gonzalez-Hernandez, Z Lu, R Leaman, D Weissenbacher, MR Boland*, Y Chen, J Du, J Fluck, CS Greene, J Holmes, A Kashyap, RL Nielsen, Z Ouyang, S Schaaf, JN Taroni, C Tao, Y Zhang, H Liu. PSB 2019 Workshop on Text Mining and Visualization for Precision Medicine. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing; 2019; 449-454 (oral presentation).
30. *MR Boland, *C DeVoto. Mapping Regional Effects of Exposure to Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid and Linking with Information on Toxicity. Presented at 2018 Fall Meeting, AGU, Washington DC, 10-14 December. (poster presentation)
31. *MR Boland, A Kashyap, J Xiong, JH Holmes, S Lorch. Construction of PEPPER: Prenatal Exposure Pubmed ParsER. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2018, San Francisco, CA, USA. In Press. (podium presentation)
32. *MR Boland, LH John, PR Rijnbeek. Condition Coding Practice Differences Between USA, Asia and Europe. Presented at Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics Symposium 2018, October 12, Bethesda MD, USA (podium presentation)
33. F Martin-Sanchez, R Bellazzi, *MR Boland, G Lopez-Campos. Contributions from Informatics and Data science to Environmental Health and Exposome Research. Medical Informatics in Europe (MIE) 2018; Gottenburg, Sweden, 24-27 April. (panel presentation)
34. *MR Boland, F Polubriginof, NP Tatonetti. Development of A Machine Learning Algorithm to Classify Drugs of Unknown Fetal Effect. American Society of Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics. 2018; Orlando, FL, 21-24 March. Top Scoring Poster Award. (poster and flash talk presentation)
35. *MR Boland, P Parhi, P Gentine, NP Tatonetti. Climate Classification is an Important Factor in Assessing Quality-of-Care Across Hospitals. Presented at 2017 Fall Meeting, AGU, New Orleans, LA, 11-15 December
36. *MR Boland, P Parhi, R Miotto, R Carroll, U Iqbal, P-A Nguyen, M Schuemie, SC You, D Smith, S Mooney, P Ryan, Y-C Li, RW Park, J Denny, JT Dudley, G Hripcsak, P Gentine, NP Tatonetti. Uncovering Exposures Responsible for Birth Season – Disease Effects: A Global Study. Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics Symposium 2017, October 18, Bethesda MD, USA (presentation).
37. *MR Boland, NP Tatonetti. Assessing the Mutational Spectrum of 7-DeHydroCholesterol Reductase and the Toxicological Effects of Pharmacological Inhibition During the Prenatal Period; (Abstract / Prenatal, Perinatal and Reproductive Genetics #3260T). Presented at the 66th Annual Meeting of The American Society of Human Genetics, October 20, 2016, Vancouver, Canada.
38. *MR Boland, L Li, R Miotto, J Dudley, NP Tatonetti. Cardiovascular Disease Risk And Birth Month? Discovering and Replicating Novel Birth Month Associations.Data Science Day at Columbia University, New York, NY, USA (poster), April 3, 2016
39. *MR Boland, NP Tatonetti. In Search of ‘Birth Month Genes’: Using Existing Data Repositories to Locate Genes Underlying Birth Month-Disease Relationships. AMIA Summits on Translational Science Proceedings 2016, San Francisco, CA, USA.
40. F Polubriaginof, A Perotte, MR Boland, D Vawdrey. Quality of Race and Ethnicity Data in Electronic Health Records.
AMIA Summits on Translational Science Proceedings 2016 , San Francisco, CA, USA (podium).
41. *MR Boland, G Hripcsak, P Ryan, NP Tatonetti. A Climate-Wide Journey to Explore Mechanisms Underlying Birth Month-Disease Risk Associations: A Call for Collaboration. Observational Heatlh Data Sciences and Informatics Symposium 2015, Washington DC, USA (poster).
42. *MR Boland, Z Shahn, D Madigan, G Hripcsak, NP Tatonetti. Using Electronic Health Records to Uncover Disease-Birth Month Dependencies. National Library of Medicine Informatics Trainee Conference 2015, National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD, USA (focus session).
43. *MR Boland, Z Shahn, D Madigan, G Hripcsak, NP Tatonetti. Using Electronic Health Records to Uncover Disease-Birth Month Dependencies. 2015 Symposium on Advances in Genomics, Epidemiology and Statistics (SAGES), University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA (poster). Received Travel Award
44. N Nissim, MR Boland, R Moskovitch, NP Tatonetti, Y Elovici, Y Shahar, G Hripcsak. Active Learning Framework for Efficient Condition Severity Classification. Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIME). 2015; Pavia, Italy.
45. *MR Boland, NP Tatonetti. Are All Vaccines Created Equal? Using Electronic Health Records to Discover Vaccines Associated With Clinician-Coded Adverse Events. AMIA Summits on Translational Science Proceedings 2015, San Francisco, CA, USA. (oral presentation).
46. *MR Boland, Z Shahn, D Madigan, G Hripcsak, NP Tatonetti. Using Electronic Health Records to Uncover Disease-Birth Month Dependencies. AMIA Summits on Translational Science Proceedings 2015, San Francisco, CA, USA (poster).
47. B Kidd, A Wroblewska, MR Boland, J Agudo, M Merad, NP Tatonetti, B Brown, J Dudley. Systematic integrative analysis of immune pharmacology. AMIA Summits on Translational Science Proceedings 2015, San Francisco, CA, USA (poster).
48. V Agarwal, P LePendu, T Podchiyska, R Barber, MR Boland, G Hripcsak, N Shah. Using narratives as a source to automatically learn phenotype models. Data Mining for Medicine and Healthcare (DMMI) Proc. 2014, Washington DC, USA.
49. N Nissim, MR Boland, R Moskovitch, NP Tatonetti, Y Elovici, YShahar, G Hripcsak. CAESAR-ALE: An Active Learning Enhancement for Conditions Severity Classification. SIGKDD 2014, New York, NY, USA.
50. *MR Boland, NP Tatonetti, G Hripcsak. CAESAR: a Classification Approach for Extracting Severity Automatically from Electronic Health Records. Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology Phenotype Day. 2014; Boston, MA. [Link]
51. MR Boland, R Miotto, C Weng. A method for probing disease relatedness using common clinical eligibility criteria. MEDINFO 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark.
52. YJ Lee, MR Boland, S Bakken, C Weng. Ontology Alignment for Linking a Homegrown Research Networking System to VIVO: Findings and Implications for Standards Development. AMIA Summits on Translational Science Proceedings 2013 p.99 (poster)
53. *MR Boland, S Trembowelski, D Dine, RC Steinman, S Bakken, C Weng. Using Google Analytics to Elucidate Research Networking System Usage. Clinical and Translational Science Award Annual Meeting 2012 (poster).
54. YJ Lee, MR Boland, S Bakken, C Weng. Aligning One CTSA’s Research Networking System to VIVO. Clinical and Translational Science Award Annual Meeting 2012 (podium). [Link]
55. *MR Boland, G Hripcsak, DJ Albers, Y Wei, A Wilcox, J Wei, M Breene, J Zimmerman, C Weng. Linked Records Reveal Associations between Oral and Overall Health. Clinical and Translational Science Award Annual Meeting 2012 (poster).
56. *MR Boland, SB Johnson, S Trembowelski, DC Dine, RC Steinman, S Bakken, C Weng. An Initial Log-based Usage Analysis of Research Networking Systems. AMIA Summits on Translational Science Proceedings, San Francisco, CA, 2012; 148. (Podium) [File]
57. *MR Boland, S Tu, S Carini, I Sim, C Weng. EliXR-TIME: A Temporal Knowledge Representation for Clinical Research Eligibility Criteria. AMIA Summits on Translational Science Proceedings 2012: 71-80 (oral presentation). [Link]
58. *MR Boland, ML Sierk. Annotation of Putatively Conserved Non-Coding Regions in Branchiostoma Floridae. National Conference for Undergraduate Research 2010, Missoula MT (poster). [Link] [File]
59. *MR Boland, R Parker. Optimizing Cancer Chemotherapy Administration: Effect of Model Structure on Treatment Cost and Effect. Undergraduate Research in Tissue Engineering (Pittsburgh-Based Affiliate Research Institutes) 2009, Pittsburgh PA (poster No 3). [Link] [File]
60. *MR Boland, M Raab, M Sangimino. Data Design & Flow for RAE: An interactive web- based biomedical informatics system for pediatric orthopedic patients. Duquesne University Summer Research Symposium 2008, Pittsburgh PA (poster No 84). [Link] [File]
*Mary Regina Boland Gave Oral Presentation of Research